Character Education
Pillars of Character
Students who display exemplary character traits are nominated each month by their team of teachers. Chosen students have their name and picture displayed on our “Pillars of Character” board by the nurse’s office. Their name and reason they were chosen is also announced over the loud speaker by Mr. Mongon.
Project Adventure Full Value Ideals
Be Here – Be present physically and mentally. Pay attention. Listen respectfully. Participate.
Be Safe – Make sure our behaviors are physically safe for our bodies, minds and the bodies and minds of others. Speak kindly. Be accepting of others’ differences.
Let Go and Move On – Learn to let go of past conflicts, upsets and disappointments and work to move past them. Forgive others and get over it.
Care For Self and Others – Respect others with our words and actions. Take care of ourselves and help others when needed. Include, encourage and celebrate everyone.
Commit to Goals – Set goals for ourselves as individuals and as classes, grade levels, and a community of learners. Persevere and be wiling to work to achieve the goals that have been agreed upon.
Be Honest – Take responsibility and tell the truth.