Below are Online Databases accessible to the Kinnelon Public School community, namely Pearl R. Miller Middle School. Usernames and passwords are required for many. See Mrs. Battaglia with any questions or problems.
This year, in all subject areas, teachers will be requiring a plagiarism checker with original student work submissions. Prior to submitting assignments, you must run a report using the following free online plagiarism checker:
Use this free site to check your written work, run and receive a report, then print report (click "Download Report" button; see below), and submit along with your assignment. *Note: sometimes the report can indicate that a quoted line/sentence is plagiarized, but if you have cited it properly within your text, there will be no problem.
See your specific teacher regarding specific assignment requirements. See Mrs. Battaglia for any help using this plagiarism checker and MLA/APA citation requirements. For additional support or information regarding plagiarism visit: